We moved up north to Besut before going up further to Kelantan. The journey took a few hours of the day so we can't help limiting the destination to just one for this day. Two actually if we count the short pit stop we did at Balai Seni Wanpo before reaching Desa Ukiran Kayu in Besut. Well the plan actually was more than mere saying hi! to Wan Mustapha Wan Su, or Wanpo himself who is the founder of the Balai Seni. An unfortunate, or rather embarassing event occurred that saw us leaving the place redfaced. What happened was
we sent a request letter in advance but somehow he saw us came one day earlier than the stated date. We totally didn't see it coming until he told us that he's too busy at the moment but he already reserved the next day for us. We were not ready to blow our silly mistake in front of him so we pretended that we were on our way to somewhere else, just dropping by to see the place and mark the location so we'll have no problem the next day.
Actually, we can't be there the next day because we should already moving up to Kelantan according to our plan made based on the premise that the visit to Balai Seni Wanpo should happen today. No biggie. We thanked Wanpo, who seemed to be a very nice person and made our way to Desa Ukiran Kayu.
There we were at the entrance of Desa Ukiran Kayu,an institute of culture learning in wood carving arts, opening its doors to younger generation with potential to become apprentices for the masters such as Norhaiza Noordin, Wan Su, Wanpo, Nik Rasyiddin and the likes. And sure enough, the doors were closed shut on that day. Don't get the wrong idea though, we've already been told beforehand that they were all went down to Kuala Lumpur for the Art Festival. Most masterpieces were brought there for display. Great isn't it? Talk about quest for knowledge even to China, when the Chinese gurus themselves came knocking at our door.
Anyway, the guard on duty who we were told to be there let us in to have a look around and inside. Enjoy these photos;

We wow'ed at this particular Wau. Only at Wanpo's
Wanpo, third from right, appears to be talking
Urhmm.. Hello!
Burung Petalawati. It spiked a huge controversy among Axisthink's school of thoughts
This is what we came here for
The main gallery of Desa Ukiran Kayu
Having a serious debate about the origin of the takraw ball
This Caping [chahr-peyng] provides many uses to the ancient Malay-Hindu folks, among them is protecting the spirits of the janitor's inventory
The front yard-viewed from a girraffe's perspective
Opposite DUK, the remnants of Istana Long
Contact information;
Balai Seni Wanpo
Hj. Wan Mustafa Wan Su
Address: Jalan Balai Seni, Alur Lintang, 22200 Besut Terengganu
Phone: +609 695 3695 mobile, +6019 9365865
Fax: +609 695 6803
Email: bswp_wanpo@yahoo.com
Desa Ukiran Kayu, DUK
Address: PA1043, Pusat Kraf Jalan Tengku Long, Kg. Raja, 22200 Besut Terengganu
Phone: +609-6954823 / 3823
Fax: +609-6958823
Email: vanyilla@yahoo.com, harimau_malaya23@yahoo.com
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